Our Balloons |
G-GCCC Cameron Z-105 which we operate for Gloucestershire County Cricket Club
G-CLPD Cameron S-50 with a split section in the middle, EASA-certified, will hopefully be used for more exotic and adventurous travels.
G-PNAD Lindstrand 120 dragon special shape, owned together with Nick Dunnington.
G-DKGM Lightweight Cameron O56, specially designed together with Don Cameron for our round-the-world 'Beech and balloon' expedition.
Stairway to Heaven
Cameron C-100 |
Road to
T&C 90 |
Silver Lining
Cameron V-65 |
Cameron light-weight O-31 |
Hopper T&C 17A |
Hsin City
Cameron A-140 |
Various ballooning activities around the world:
Planning a major balloon event
Enormous detail goes into the preparation for one of the world's most spectacular activities
Balloons can fly from almost anywhere - house, field or city centre
Luxor, Egypt
Temples in Burma (Myanmar). One of our tourist 'start-up' successes
Flying over Bristol, England
Sunrise above Trebon Nature Park, Czech Republic
Over lakes and forests
Perfect camera platform
Inflation next to a small church

Back to
mother earth
Over the Kukenan river, Venezuela
Colourful balloons fill city centre park in Krakow, Poland
Balloon meeting in Ireland
Namibian desert
Hopper inflation in Bolivia
The silence of flight
Burn! Environmentally clean propane gives us our lift
Sugar cane plantation in Costa Rica
Bavarian Baroque. The gentle landscape of southern Germany
Competition Flying
Bristol Balloon Fiesta
Tethering the Orbiter in Japan
Touring for Breitling
Inflation in the desert
Retrieving the balloon in Venezuela