

  • 6 SIZES OF BALLOON from tiny ‘HOPPERS’ to 4-man crew
  • BALLOONS specially adapted for STABLE SHOTS and 360deg ROTATION
  • British/European-approved AIR OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE
  • EU-level INSURANCE
  • COMMERCIAL PILOTS with flying experience in 126 countries
  • MULTI-LINGUAL pilots speaking English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese
  • CONTACTS with aviation authorities worldwide
  • Extensive EXPERIENCE of filming in 5 CONTINENTS and over MAJOR CITIES such as London
  • Enviable SAFETY RECORD on a par with major airlines
  • UNIQUE proximity of flight for UNUSUAL SHOTS and ANGLES


Hot air balloons offer several key advantages to serious film-makers:

  1. A stable platform for camera, sound and presenter without vibration and with minimal intermittent noise
  2. A 360-degree panning ability
  3. Many alternative viewpoints for Go-Pro type cameras
  4. Very close shots of inaccessible subjects - wildlife, geographical & cultural features - in complete safety
  5. Low passing speed and no downwash
  6. High accuracy of flightpath using a variety of launch-points
  7. Low operating cost compared to helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft
  8. Low transit costs for positioning, including international airfreight
  9. Encourages interaction with local people – especially children
  10. Access to locations where other aerials might not be feasible

Gone-With-The-Wind are the only UK/European balloon operator to focus solely on aerial camera work, and employ pilots specifically experienced in providing film service since 1972.

The World's Greatest Balloon Adventures on which we worked with Marco-Polo Films was broadcast in Nov/Dec 2012 on ARTE.

For previews of each of the unique episodes on Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Kenya (with Alan Root), the Alps and Venezuela (with Werner Herzog) see http://www.marco-polo-film.de/de/trailer/

For reviews of the films, please click here.
Balloon Adventures

In early 2013, we successfully completed a new BBC wildlife documentary filming and flying in south-western Burma with our new Cameron 140. The 3-part series called 'Wild Burma: Nature's Lost Kingdom' was broadcast in Nov/Dec 2013. Episode 1 with the balloon and presenters on board: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01m17p8 - all aerials were done from our balloon flying over very challenging countryside near the Bay of Bengal and the endless jungle of Arakan.

"It was an incredible trip - from the balloon and the wonderful elephant footage, to the dramatic fires and the richness of the jungle - I think it will be a fabulous series" - Senior Producer, BBC Film Series on Burma.

Click here to see photos from the trip.

'Plane Madness' produced by Barcroft TV, was filmed by Timothy Allan on the Trans-Atlantic crossing of which our Beech 18 was part, it is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk-Fvoa-s8I&t=6s

"We can highly recommend for instance that for aerials for your shoot that you work with Allie and Phil Dunnington from Gone with the wind . They have the expertise and balloons to be able to get you fanastic aerial pans even in remote locations." - Panoramic Journeys