
Our recommendations


An initial visit to your proposed location(s) is recommended. This is best conducted using our specially designed lightweight world-portable trial balloon  (capable of carrying pilot plus one passenger).

Site visits encompass reviews of:

  • Meteorology/climate conditions
  • Civil aviation regulations and limitations
  • Geographical suitability and contraints
  • Tourist profile / seasonality
  • Trial flights (where balloon is available)

as well as meetings, as appropriate, with local authorities and security officials.

We recommend 2-3 days per location, plus time for meetings in the administrative capital.


This will include written analysis of viability from both operational and financial standpoints, plus recommendations on pilot and equipment selection, timescale, critical paths etc. It is normally available to principals within 30 days of completion of a site visit.


Following a satisfactory Report and decision by the principals to proceed, Gone-With-The-Wind Ltd can set up the following as required:

  • Detail negotiation with relevant aviation and other authorities.
  • Balloon equipment specification and purchase.
  • Pilot selection and staffing.
  • Tourist industry integration and launch.
  • Initial (or long-term) training and operation.


The Company has an extensive transparency and digital photo collection and has provided lecture presentations to tour companies and academic institutions around the world, as well as high quality images for use in publications.